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彭奕竣醫師精闢的醫學理論 Medical Key by Dr. Peng

《Product Content》:

以下乃一字不漏 節錄自 台灣中壢  彭奕峻中醫師為著作的【醫鑰】 一書再版序

 The excerpted from the Reprint Preface of the book [The Medical Key] by author Dr. Yijun Peng of Taiwan:


Medical care is related to the life and health of the people, and national finances, and it also affects the rise and fall of a country and the continuity of a nation. Therefore, any person or medical group can correct improper medical behaviors or wrong medical theories to protect the lives and health of his own people in order to safeguard his nation as one's own responsibility. Conversely, no one or any medical scholar can stand on the standpoint of fundamentalism as an attack on other kinds of medicine.


今日大眾都知道扁桃腺是空氣進入我們肺時,站在門口的兩個衛兵,以防空氣中不適合身體的病毒進入肺以造成身體的傷害,現代醫學不思解決扁桃腺為什麼會發炎?為什麼會腫大?卻將肺門口的兩個衛兵(扁桃腺)動手術摘除。寒涼性食物(如冰冷飲料)與(燥性食物如餅乾、辣椒、炒花生米、油炸物、酒等)進入胃,寒熱性的食物在胃中交爭,盲腸是胃不能處理食物的寒熱交爭使之平衡的“警鈴”—— 即食物寒熱交爭將對身體產生傷害的信號燈,現代醫學卻說盲腸是沒有用的東西而將警鈴(盲腸)肆意動手術摘除。胃出血只不過是鉛筆頭大的傷口,而胃出血的手術卻使胃產生碗公大的傷口。從扁桃腺、盲腸的手術進展到今日的胃、甲狀腺、子宮切除的手術到器官的移植,病患沒死在手術臺上就算是醫療的成功,而把病患的生命、健康的恢復擺在一邊,致造成今日醫療科學對病患的生命、健康的危害愈形擴大,就愈可以使醫療從業人員成名獲利的科學,大眾卻都盲目的相信這是醫療科學的進步,醫療品質的提升,而可以治療疾病、保健恢復病患健康的中醫、中藥卻一再的受到歪曲、誣衊、抹黑,原因何在呢?

Today everyone knows that the tonsils are the two guards standing at the door when air enters our lungs, in order to prevent viruses that are not suitable for the body from entering the lungs and causing physical injury. Why does modern medicine not think about and solve why the tonsils become inflamed? Why is it swollen? Instead, the two guards (the tonsils) at the front of the lungs were surgically removed. The Cold foods (such as cold drinks) and dry hot foods (such as biscuits, peppers, fried peanuts, fried food, wine, etc.) enter the stomach. Cold and hot foods compete in the stomach. The cecum is the "alarm bell or signal " to signified and balance the stomach cannot handle such cold and hot food which could harm the body, but modern medicine says that the cecum is useless and the alarm bell (cecum) is removed by surgery. Gastric bleeding is nothing more than a pencil-sized wound, but surgery for gastric bleeding has created a bowl-shaped wound in the stomach. From the surgery of the tonsils and cecum to today's stomach, thyroid and hysterectomy, to organ transplantation. As long as the patient does not die on the operating table, it's already considered a medical success! But the patient's life and health recovery are widely ignored. This result in today that the medical science has more and more caused harm to the patients’ life and health. Such “science” makes that medical practitioners become famous and profitable and the public blindly believes that this is the progress of modern medical science. Hence, the traditional Chinese medicine and medical theory which can really heal the disease and restore the health of the patients are repeatedly distorted, stigmatized and discredited. But why? 


Since I joined the medical profession, I believe that any medicine is to prevent or cure diseases and restore the patient's health as its major purpose. Therefore, I have no intention of attacking western medicine or medical theory. But I hate any medical cheating just for making money in the name of "Science". Since my research found that many medical scams in the name of “science” have consumed many lives, health, and taxes paid by our people, stealing the national treasury. I found many people are poor or died due to wrong medical treatment and not by the illness itself. I am seeing that our country will also suffer financial difficulties due to this ridiculous medical “science” expense. I decided to write this book to expose the truth. I think "If I don’t do it, who will do it?” I believe that any medicine, no matter it is Eastern or Western, should be put on the table and to be openly discussed in a scientific basis. Those medical therapy or treatment that can really cure diseases and restore the health of patients is to be preserved, promoted, and circulated. Medicines that cannot cure diseases and continuously hurt people ’s lives, health, and property should be removed and discarded without wasting human and material resources. Especially those on the name of “medical science” only to make money and kill lives share be condemned and kicked out. Do not use the topic of “the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine” in order to switch the focus and deceive the innocent people or patients. Shouldn’t we work on to make the public aware of the truth - right or wrong of medical science – so that they no longer harmed by wrong medical treatment? Science should make no distinction towards the traditional eastern medicine or the western medicine.

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